Wednesday, March 31, 2010

!So Nyeo Shi Dae and Brown Eyed Girls win awards at the 7th Korean Music Awards

The 7th Korean Music Awards ceremony took place on 30th March in Seoul KangNamDong Kunsthalle.
And amongst the list of musicians recognised for their good music released in year 2009, girlgroups So Nyeo Shi Dae and Brown Eyed Girls are the 2 idol groups awarded for 2 award categories each.
Go under the cut for the full award winner list.

7th Korean Music Awards
▲Album of the year= Seoul Ensemble (‘Life is Strange’)
▲Song of the year= S0 Nyeo Shi Dae (‘Gee’)
▲Musician of the year=Seoul Emsemble
▲Newcomer of the year=Guckkasten, Apollo 18
▲Best rock album=Seoul Ensemble(‘Life is Strange’)
▲Best rock song=Guckkasten(‘Mirror’)
▲Best modern rock album=Black Skirts(‘201′)
▲Best modern rock song=Broccolli You Too(‘Letter song’)
▲Best pop album=Lee Sora(7th album)
▲Best pop song=Lee Sora(‘Track8′)
▲Best dance and electronic album=Brown Eyed Girls(‘Sound-G’)
▲Best dance and electronic song=Brown Eyed Girls(‘Abracadabra’)
▲Best rap and hiphop album=Drunken Tiger(‘Feel gHood Muzik:The 8th Wonder’)
▲Best rap and hiphop song=San Ee(‘Rap Genius’)
▲Best R&B & Soul album=Radi(‘Real Collabo’)
▲Best R&B & Soul song=Jung Yeop(‘You Are My Lady’)
▲Best jazz & crossover jazz album=Song YeongJoo(‘Love Never Fails’)
▲Best jazz & crossover crossover album=Park JooWon(‘집시의 시간’)
▲Best jazz & crossover jazz album best performance=Kim Chaek&Jung JaeIl(‘The Methodologies’)
▲Best movie TV music=’Mother’
▲Netizens’ choice male artiste=Jung Yeop
▲Netizens’ choice female artiste=Baek JiYoung
▲Netizens’ choice group=So Nyeo Shi Dae
▲Committee special award=Shim SungRak
▲Achievement award=Jo Dong Jin

s: k bites

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