Friday, April 30, 2010

![Concert] SS501 “Members’ Image Impression Ranking” Translation @ Japan Saitama Arene Concert

Chinese version:
韓流演唱會 日飯對於SS501的10大印象排行榜
1. 會認真回覆女朋友簡訊的成員是?
依序: 圭鐘(63.98%) . 賢重(11.21%). 亨俊(8.55%). 永生(8.20%) . 政玟(8.05%)
2. 最擅長安慰鬧脾氣的女朋友的成員是?
依序: 政玟(30.91%). 賢重(20.70%). 永生(19.84%). 圭鐘(17.25%). 亨俊(11.29%)
3. SS501之中最自戀的成員是?
依序: 亨俊(40.76%). 政玟(24.16%). 永生(18.76%). 賢重(14.95%). 圭鐘(1.37%)
4. 玩拳擊時最強的成員是?
依序: 賢重(60.46%). 政玟(14.95%). 圭鐘(11%). 永生(7.48%). 亨俊(6.11%)
依序: 賢重(132kg). 政玟&永生(128kg). 圭鐘(109kg). 亨俊(93kg)
5. 有女朋友了還會偷吃的成員是?
依序: 亨俊(42.49%). 永生(25.31). 政玟(14.23%). 賢重(13.87%). 圭鐘(4.10%)
6. 最擅長玩呼拉圈的成員是?
依序: 政玟(38.03%). 賢重(30.41%). 永生(11.29%). 圭鐘(10.42%). 亨俊(9.85%)
7. 最不會察言觀色的成員是?
依序: 亨俊(44.64%). 賢重(34.51%). 永生(11.65%). 政玟(6.90%). 圭鐘(2.30%)
8. 演出愛情片的時候,會在鏡子前練習kiss的成員是?
依序: 亨俊(31.78%). 永生(30.34%). 政玟(18.19%). 圭鐘(13.95%). 隊長(5.75%)
9. 和別人吵架和好之後,依然會耿耿於懷的成員是?
依序: 政玟(58.73%). 永生(14.67%). 亨俊(12.08%). 圭鐘(7.91%). 賢重(6.61%)
(妃茵: 從排名來看,可猜想某兩位兩個月冷戰,第一名那個肯定還耿耿於懷,最後一名那個大條神經的,目前肯定還是常遲到(笑))
10. 和哪位成員在一起會意外地感到無聊?
依序: 永生(36.45%). 賢重(31.06%). 亨俊(17.69%). 圭鐘(8.41%). 政玟(6.40%)

English Translation:
There is a survey conducted by Internet for Japanese TS before the concert
SS501 also corresponds to the vote and carried out some interesting game at a concert!

10 important point of SS501 “Members’ Image Impression Ranking” of Japanese TS

1. Which member will seriously reply girlfriend’s sms?
Ranking: KJ (63.98%) . HJL (11.21%). HJB (8.55%). YS (8.20%) . JM (8.05%)

2. Which member is the best at comforting angry girlfriend?

Ranking: JM (30.91%). HJL (20.70%). YS (19.84%). KJ (17.25%). HJB (11.29%)

3. The most narcissistic members in SS501?

Ranking: HJB (40.76%). JM (24.16%). YS (18.76%). HJL (14.95%). KJ (1.37%)
4. Who is the strongest when playing boxing?
Ranking: HJL (60.46%). JM (14.95%). KJ (11%). YS (7.48%). HJB (6.11%) [keke... I definitely would choose HJL also ^^]

When playing punching machine at the concert, the actual result is:

Ranking: HJL (132kg). JM & YS (128kg). KJ (109kg). HJB (93kg)

5. Which member will be cheaingt even having a girlfriend?

Ranking: HJB (42.49%). YS (25.31). JM (14.23%). HJL (13.87%). KJ (4.10%) 

6. Which member is good at playing hula hoop?

Ranking: JM (38.03%). HJL (30.41%). YS (11.29%). KJ (10.42%). HJB (9.85%) 

7. Which member is the worst at observation?

Ranking: HJB (44.64%). HJL (34.51%). YS (11.65%). JM (6.90%). KJ (2.30%)

8. When filming love story, which member will practice how to kiss in front of mirror?

Ranking : HJB (31.78%).YS (30.34%). JM (18.19%). KJ (13.95%). HJL (5.75%) 

9. After the quarrel with others, members who will still not able to put aside even after reconcile?

Ranking: JM (58.73%). YS (14.67%). HJB (12.08%). KJ (7.91%). HJL (6.61%) 
10. Which member do you think you will feel surprisingly boring when being with him?
Ranking: YS (36.45%). HJL (31.06%). HJB (17.69%). KJ (8.41%). JM (6.40%) 

Credit: @ khj-triplerie+妃茵@TSTW
Don’t reedit
English Translation:

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