Monday, April 19, 2010

![news] SNSD had over 15,000 fans present at Shanghai concert!

SNSD had their first overseas independent concert for their first Asian tour and about 15,000 fans witnessed and experience the performances from SNSD.

SNSD left for Shanghai, China in the 16th and held their concert in 17th of April. The crowd was huge and they were very enthusiastic during the concert. Their popularity in China seems to be very huge because their concert tickets were sold out! They are not stopping with China and are planning on having concerts in other countries in Asia as well.

They performed their hits such as "Into the new world" "gee" "Oh!" and "run devil run". By the end of May they are going to perform Bangkok, Thailand.

Source: dongA
Credits: Blueprincess824 @ dailykpopnews(

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