Wednesday, April 21, 2010

![NEWS] TOP’s voice will be dubbed for the new IRIS in Japan!

Japan’s K-1 Star, Masato (picture on the left) is voicing as Big Bang’s TOP (Choi Seung Hyun) in the drama, “IRIS”, which is prepared to air soon in Japan. A representative from Taewon Entertainment (which produces “IRIS”) reported in a phone interview with NesEn on April 19th saying, “Masato will be dubbing for the killer, ‘Vic,’ otherwise known as TOP from Big Bang.
Meanwhile, “IRIS” lead actor and actress Lee Byung Hyun and Kim Tae Hee are waiting for their drama to air in Japan, and met the actors and actresses that will be taking the voice of their roles.
Other than Masato, Japan’s famous actor, Fujiwara Tatsuya will do a voice-over for the role of Lee Byung Hyun’s character (Kim Hyun Jun). As well as Kuroki Meisa, who starred in the movies, “Crow’s Zero,” “Subaru,” will be in charge in doing a voice-over for the role of Choi Seung Hee, which was originally acted by Kim Tae Hee. Matzkata Hiroki, who is also an actor will take place in doing a voice-over for the drama. The episodes that have been completed with Japanese voice-overs (the first two episodes) will air on April 21st at 9:00PM, and as always, there will be one episode aired each week.

So basically, all these famous Japanese actors and actresses are doing voice-overs for the original cast of IRIS.
Korean article: NewsEn
Translated: hyunjitOP @ ibigbang

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