Sunday, May 30, 2010

!Chiba Ryuuhei’s Twitter Updates, What Did Jaejoong & Junsu See Today? 100528

In short, this is very bad.
To the person who sent me the cake’s picture. I’ve already done my with the promise. Closing requests of the first half of the year.
The story of the cake’s picture
Yesterday someone tweeted Chiba-san asking him to show the picture of the cake her daughter made to the boys with the words “Dong Bang Shin Ki”.

Chiba-san probably asked some staff to show the picture to JeJung and JunSu, and the staff emailed him back with the message he posted above:
Yoshimi-san just contacted me.
He said that JeJung and JunSu already saw the picture that was posted on Twitter.
Since YuChun is in Korea for his drama right now, we couldn’t show him the picture.
Thanks for your understanding.”
Source: Chiba Ryuuhei’s Twitter
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

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