Monday, May 24, 2010

!' ME2DAY ' Updates ft. MBLAQ/2NE1/SHU-I + 06/24/10 from Dara MBLAQ Seung Ho

Original message:
주말 잘 보내셨나요?! 오늘의 힌트!! 17. 그녀는, 현재 일일드라마 <바람불어 좋은 날>에 출연중이다. 입니다!! 남은시간 평안한 밤 되세요~~~~~~~~~ㅎㅎ

In English:
Did you have a good weekend? Today’s hint!! 17. Current daily drama is airing. Have a peaceful night~~~~~~~~~ㅎㅎ

2NE1 Dara

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Original message:

우량아 씨엘과 사는 물건들이 많아지자 무거워서 힘들어하는 다라!!!(지금 카트에 타있는 아이는 어린이가 맞습니다! 다만 우량아일뿐입니다^^)

In English:
Big kid CL in the cart with all the things needed for the party means that it’s getting heavier!!!(The person in the cart is a big kid for sure! Such a kid^^)

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Original message:

내일 신사옥에서 있을 퉤니원 첫돌 파티를위해 마트에서 다정히 장을보는 씨엘과 다라!

In English:
Dara and CL out shopping for 2NE1’s birthday party to be held at the new building tomorrow night!

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Original message:

집에왔는데 둘째동생이 만들어준 내가 좋아하는 갈릭 올리브 파스타! 맛잇어요! 울 막뚱이도 같이 먹었음좋았을텐데ㅠ먹다보니 티비에 나오길래 보면서 우리끼리먹엇어요ㅋ막뚱~ 홧팅!^.^

In English:
Although we just came back to the house, I made some garlic olive pasta! Delicious! Makdoongee and I tried eating it togetherㅠ Came out to watch the TV while eatingㅋ Makdoongee~ fighting!^.^


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Original message:

브이브이ㅋㅋ일본어 너무 어렵지만 .. 그래도 열심히 하고있어요ㅠ우리집에서 30분?걸으면 나오는 공원 ㅋㅋㅋ관광장소라 그런지 사람 엄청많아용 ^^

In English:
V Vㅋㅋ Although Japanese is too difficult .. I’m working hardㅠ At home in 30 minutes? Came out to walk in the park ㅋㅋㅋ We’re doing a lot of sightseeing and seeing lots of people ^^

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Original message:

아 비가 자주 오는군요 ㅠㅠ 아극극… 일본어가 제일 문제지만 열심히하려구함 글구 이사진은 어제 일본회사분들이랑 공원 다녀왔어요 ㅎㅎㅎ

In English:
Ah, it rains pretty frequently right now ㅠㅠ *sniff*… Although Japanese is the biggest problem, we work hard and came with the directors to the park for a meeting ㅎㅎㅎ

2NE1 Minji
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Original message:

In English:
Although I went to see a movie, watching a play was good too~ Went with my mum~^^

May 24 2010
2NE1 Dara
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Original Message:
물건이 많아지자 갑자기 다리에 쥐가나고 숨이막힌다며 기절한 씨엘! 깜놀한 다라! 씨엘을 깨우고있다ㅋㅋㅋ

In English:
As the stuff piled up, CL suddenly said her leg was cramping up and that she's suffocating, and then fainted! Shocked Dara! Waking CL up ke ke ke 

S: aa-chan + ygladies

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