Wednesday, May 26, 2010

![news] CNBlue has been chosen as the new face of Sony Ericsson!

Rock band CNBlue has become the newest face of Sony Ericsson.

Sony Ericsson has chosen CNBlue as the newest ambassador for their label. They will be releasing a new mobile phone and CNBlue has already finished filming for the CF. As the brand ambassador, more are expected from CNBlue together with Sony Ericsson.

CNBlue are pretty excited to be chosen as the brand's "Global bran ambassador". This is their first time being ambassadors for such a huge brand, they are very excited and proud at the same time.

Sony Ericsson Korea Representative said, "We chose CNBlue because they are musically talented as well as they have a sophisticated and distinctive image, CNBlue will be showcasing our new products and all in all CNBlue are well suited for the Sony Ericsson Brand"

There are more to come from CNBlue as they are going to be taking cosmetics, apparel and other foreign advertising modelling in the future.

Source: sportshankook
credits: Blueprincess824 @ dailykpopnews

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