Thursday, May 20, 2010

![news/picture] SS501 releases more concept photo's for their new album "DESTINATION"

5 member male group SS501's new album "DESTINATION" will be showing a new and exotic charm from the boys.

New photo's has been released revealing more to their concept for their new album. The concept of the album is European-style, the album also is a special edition album. The masochistic concept worked well with the boys that showed the concept of good and evil and went with the theme of black and white to show a more sexy look.

"DESTINATION" is composed by world renowned producer Steven Lee who has worked a lot in the United States as well as in Europe.

SS501 will be releasing their album by the end of May. Also, they are preparing for their appearance in the 2010 Dream Concert and they are hoping Kim Hyun Joong will be in a much improved state because they will be very busy for their new album.

Source: Starnews
Credits: Blueprincess824 @ dailykpopnews

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