"Just live your life . Pedehal dengan kata-kata manusia . .

Thursday, June 24, 2010

[NEWS] 100623 Jay goes out of his way to meet a special friend in Kangnam with his dad @jaybumaom

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits.

[이데일리 SPN 박미애 기자] 2PM 전 멤버 박재범이 어디에서 무엇을 하는지 입국 후 그의 동선에 관심이 쏠리고 있다.

그 는 최근 서울 강남의 한 음식점에서 한국에서 인연을 맺은 지인을 만나 담소를 나눈 것으로 전해졌다. 영화 촬영 준비로 바쁜 와중에도 일부러 시간을 내 지인을 찾았다는 사실이 눈길을 끈다.

박재범 지인의 측근에 따르면 당시 박재범은 아버지와 함께 지인을 찾았다. 오랜만에 만나 반가운 분위기 속에 서로의 안부와 근황을 주고받은 것으로 전해졌다.

현재 박재범은 영화 `하이프 네이션` 첫 촬영을 앞두고 대본 연습 등 촬영 준비에 한창이다. 그는 극중에서 비보이팀 갬블러의 리더 역을 맡아 스크린에 데뷔한다. 그가 9개월 만에 한국을 찾은 것도 영화 촬영 때문이다.

A lot of attention has been put on 2PM's former member Jaebum's whereabouts after he entered Korea.

It has been recently revealed that he met a friend he previously made in Korea in a Korean restaurant and had a friendly conversation in Kangnam, Seoul. Despite the fact that he has been busy with his movie preparations, this meeting has drawn a considerable amount of attention since Jaebum went out of his way to meet up with this friend.

An associate of the friend revealed that Jaebum went to visit the friend along with his father. It had been a while since they had last met and so they greeted each other and shared what they were up to recently.

Park Jaebum is currently busily preparing for Hype Nation by practicing his script. Jaebum will be playing the role of b-boy team Gambler's leader and will be debuting on screen. The reason he has entered Korea for the first time in 9 months is because of this movie.

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