Sunday, June 27, 2010

[Twitter] U-Kiss Alexander 'Was dead for 3 hours in hospital, but now i'm feeling better'

U-Kiss is currently promoting for their albums in Asia. They have been visited countries like Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore. One of the members Alexander was already not in a good condition when they were promoting. Now, he just updated his twitter saying that he was in the hospital just now. Glad to hear that he is feeling better this moment so that he can continue to cheer for Korea. Take care and get well soon.

Alexander's Twitter:
Was dead for 3 hours in hospital... but now I'm feelin better!! Time to cheer for KOREA!!!
Maybe not enough sleep recently n overworked my body.. Don't be like me, ok? Ouch!! KOREA!!!

Source: Alexander's twitter
Credits: Syee22 @

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