Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen (2009) TS |
IMDb Transformers 2 (2009) Part 1 [Mediafire] Transformers 2 (2009) Part 1 [Mirror] Transformers 2 (2009) Part 2 [Mediafire] Transformers 2 (2009) Part 3 [Mediafire] Transformers 2 (2009) Part 4 [Mediafire] Transformers 2 (2009) Part 5 [Mediafire] Transformers 2 (2009) Part 6 [Mediafire] How To Prevent RAR Extracting Error: Click Here Terima Kasih Kpd Kuryu |
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Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Movie Review: Transformers
Transformers is a movie based not on a television show, comic book character, novel or cartoon, but instead a line of toys. Sure, Transformers has been there, and done that - but it all started as a toyline. It amazes me that Hollywood has to reach that far to find the next “sure thing.” But thankfully the concept is a good one. How can you go wrong with big alien robots fighting each other? Answer: You really can’t. Truth is, Transformers is the film I’ve been looking the most forward to in this summer of threequels. And it didn’t disappoint.
But you must enter into such a movie knowing that story will not take precedent. It’s probably the last thing on the list. Alien creatures have come to earth in search for a cube that could help create a new world for their near-extinct race. Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) is the grandson of an explorer who discovered Megatron frozen in the Arctic Ocean. It gets even more ridiculous. Before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark cube, into the Captain’s glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. And Sam, aka usename Ladiesman, has put the glasses on eBay in hopes of raising some last minute funds for his first car. Still with me? And as Bernie
You must enter into the film with the knowledge of this ridiculous world. Because if you’re looking for super realism, it’s better to look elsewhere (Pixar’s Ratatouille perhaps). I was shocked to learn that the budget for Transformers was somewhere around $150 million. In a day and age when a comedy film can cost over $200 million, and most of the other summer movies need to make over $1 billion to break even, it’s a relief to see a movie made so cheaply. And honestly, you can’t tell from the film. The Transformers look vivd and uber-cool. It doesn’t matter how many times you see a car transform into a big robot, it never gets old. The first transformation of Optimus Prime is EPIC. You’ll see what I mean. And there is just so much in this movie that hasn’t been shown in the movie trailers. There is more action than you could even believe. And sometimes it’s so nonstop that you might not be able to tell who is who or what exactly is going on. And yes, that might be a flaw, but I sat back and enjoyed every second of it.
Perfect MV
we meet again 4 the new topic
not about notes or questions..
Im bored 4 being 'skema' at all the time with posting notes and question in this blog so now i want to fresh my mind with listening to this song!.. this song is from secondhand serenade and the tittle is your call.. like dis song very2 much.. his voice is cool and dferent with other universal singers. His music video 4 dis song is perfect! like it^^
your call lyric
Saturday, June 27, 2009
List of University and College
Revision card ( Physic notes)
Form 4
1 Introduction to Physics
1.1 Physical Quantities
1.2 Error Analysis
1.3 Measurement
1.4 Scientific Investigation
2 Force and Motion
2.1 Linear Motion
2.2 Ticker Tape
2.3 Graph of Motion
2.4 Mass and Inertia
2.5 Momentum
2.6 Effects of a Force
2.7 Impulse and Impulsive Force
2.8 Safety Feature in Vehicles
2.9 Gravity
2.10 Forces in Equilibrium
2.11 Work and Energy
2.12 Power and Efficiency
2.13 Elasticity
3. Force and Pressure
3.1 Pressure
3.2 Liquid Pressure
3.3 Atmospheric Pressure
3.4 Application of Atmospheric Pressure
3.5 Gas Pressure
3.6 Pascal's Principle
3.7 Archimedes Principle
3.8 Bernoulli's Principle
4. Heat
4.1 Thermal Equilibrium
4.2 Thermometer
4.3 Specific Heat Capacity
4.4 Application of Specific Heat Capacity
4.5 Specific Latent Heat
4.6 The Gas Law
5. Light
5.1 Reflection
5.2 Refraction
5.3 Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection
5.4 Lenses
5.5 Optical Instrument
Form 5
1. Wave
1.1 Oscillation
1.2 Understanding Wave
1.3 Phenomena of Wave 1 - Reflection and Refraction
1.4 Phenomena of Wave 2 - Diffraction
1.5 Phenomena of Wave 3 - Interference
1.6 Sound Wave
1.7 Electromagnetic Wave
1.8 Electromagnetic Wave 2 - Light Wave
2. Electricity
2.1 Electric Charge and Current
2.2 Electric Field
2.3 Potential Difference, Ohm's Law and Resistance
2.4 Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
2.5 Electromotive Force and Internal Resistance
2.6 Electrical Energy and Power
2.7 Efficiency Use of Electrical Appliances
3. Electromagnetism
3.1 Magnetism (Revision)
3.2 Electromagnet
3.3 Application of Electromagnet
3.4 Force on a Current-carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field
3.5 Electromagnetic Induction
3.6 Alternating Current
3.7 Transformer
3.8 Sources of Energy and Generation of Electricity
3.9 Transmission of Electricity
Notes! Notes! Notes!++Chemistry++
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Algebra - Fun with Calendars
(Or teachers, with your class.)
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Friday, June 26, 2009
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- Terminal Tiga (Sab,Sar,Phg,Terg)
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- Tingkatan 5:
- Konserto Terakhir (Sel,WPKL,NS,Perlis)
- Seteguh Karang (Sab,Sar,Phg,Terg)
- Julia (Ked,PP,Perak)(Nota Tutor)
- Video 1
Episod: 2-13.
- Nilai bertimbang rasa
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- Putera Gunung Tahan (Mel,Joh,Kel) (Nota Pautan)
- Aspek Kajian Sastera:
- Sinopsis (Jul 2002)
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- Persoalan(Nov 2001, Nov 2003),(Nov, 2006)
- Watak & Perwatakan (Nov 2003, Jun 2004, Jun 2005, Jun 2006), (Nov 2007)
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- Latar (Nov 2002, Jul 2003), (Nov 2008)
- Latar tempat - Banding 2 novel (Nov 2005)
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Puteri Li Po (Nov 2005)
Contoh soalan (Pautan)
Tema dan persoalan (Pautan)
- Aspek kajian sastera
Developing your writing skill in English: The beginning 01
From Fokus SPM magazine, 'Living English with Teech Airil', May 2008
by Airil Haimi Adnan @ Teech Airil

Is this true? NOT NECESSARILY! Even though not all of us can become excellent writers like William Shakespeare or John Grisham, ALL of us can learn how to write using good grammar and with good creativity.
One of the biggest problem for Malaysian students in terms of writing in English is that they are only good in one area at a time. So for example, your English grammar is okay but your essay lacks imagination and so it fails to get the high grade that you want.
Some students have a bigger problem when they write in English because their grammar is very bad and they do not know what to write whenever they are asked to do so!
Let me share with you some basic tips on writing in the English language. First, you might like to use a combination of passive and active sentences in your composition. For example, you can write ‘When I arrived at the farm the animals were being slaughtered, so I watched the butchers for a while because I was curious.’
Second, when you start writing choose to write using single syllable words that are used to simplify sentences. They are therefore considered easy vocabulary in contrast with multi-syllable words. For example, write ‘We often visit the museum’ as opposed to ‘We often go and visit the museum’.
Third, when you start to become confident you might like to use certain well known phrases in your writing. The best place to start is in your English dictionary BUT do be careful, if you are not sure of the phrase or word, do not use it as you are bound to write something meaningless or even wrong.
I would also like to suggest you to start a Personal Vocabulary Book (PVB) when you start to learn to write in English.
To start one is easy, just get an empty notebook and then set yourself a daily or weekly quota – three new words per day or ten new English words per week, is a good start. What you need to do is to read lots of English stuff and whenever you find a new word you do not understand, jot it down in your PVB.
Next, find the meaning of the word in context (as used in the English material that you were reading), and finally use the new word to make a new sentence based on your own creativitiy.If you feel that you need help, try to approach your English teacher in school or your tuition tutor and ask her or him to check if your new sentences are correctly written.
You will notice that your vocabulary will slowly increase and you are now able to write more creatively than before. In time, your writing skill as a whole will improve as you continue reading new English materials and to develop your personal vocabulary.
The final point I want to share with you this month is the importance of writing in different genres. A genre basically means type of writing, for example short story, poem, magazine article, informal letter and more.
To become a GELL, you must practice writing in different modes and style. For example, you might want to train yourself to write better emails in English. At the same time, may be you want to try to write articles for your school magazine.
In addition, if you like English literature, why not practice writing some short poems that you can easily share with your friends in school or upload them to your personal website for the whole world to read?
Whatever you choose, just remember writing IS NOT boring and difficult. With the proper approach (and lots of practice) it is the best way for you to express yourself in the English language!
This is the original unedited version of the article that appeared in the magazine, please refer to the MAY edition of FOKUS SPM for the updated copy - Ed.
Calon SPM dihad ambil 10 subjek
Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, kerajaan telah memutuskan calon Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) mulai tahun depan tidak lagi boleh mengambil lebih daripada 10 mata pelajaran.
Menurut Timbalan Perdana Menteri, perbincangan mengenainya telah dibuat di peringkat Kementerian Pelajaran dan keputusan itu juga sekali gus membawa perubahan dalam sistem penggredan mata pelajaran.
‘‘Kita akan mengehadkan 10 subjek sahaja untuk peperiksaan SPM pada tahun 2010 dan kementerian perlu membuat beberapa perubahan dalam penggredannya,” ujarnya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis peletakan batu asas Kompleks Pendidikan Bandar Enstek, Nilai dekat sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor; Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan dan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pelajaran, Tan Sri Zulkurnain Awang.
Beliau yang juga Menteri Pelajaran memberitahu, berdasarkan keadaan semasa, jumlah pelajar yang mengambil lebih 10 subjek pada peperiksaan SPM tahun lalu cuma 48,000 berbanding 500,000 yang mendudukinya seluruh negara.
‘‘Cuma 10 peratus yang mengambil lebih 10 subjek. Kita percaya dengan perubahan ini, 90 peratus pelajar yang kekal dalam 10 subjek atau kurang akan memperlihatkan angka yang sama tahun ini.
‘‘Perkembangan ini sudah tentulah memberikan impak positif dalam kaedah pengajaran guru di sekolah kerana mereka boleh menumpukan khusus kepada 10 subjek berkenaan.
‘‘Selain itu ia juga mengurangkan kos kepada ibu bapa yang terpaksa menghantar anak mengikuti kelas tuisyen kerana pengajaran dalam subjek pilihan tidak dibuat secara konsisten di sekolah,” kata beliau.
Muhyiddin juga menjelaskan, ketika ini kekemasan pelaksanaan peperiksaan 10 subjek dalam SPM itu sedang diperincikan oleh pegawai di kementerian berkenaan.
‘‘Memang sistem penggredan akan berlaku perubahan dan kita akan melihat kemungkinan pelajar mendapat A+, A atau A- atau B+, B mahupun B- bertambah ramai.
‘‘Ini akan diperhalusi kerana ia juga akan melihat kaedah terbaik dalam pemberian biasiswa kepada pelajar yang cemerlang dalam subjek terbabit. Ia akan dilakukan dengan sebaik mungkin,” kata beliau.
Semalam Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong berkata, sekumpulan ahli akademik dan profesional telah memulakan kajian terhadap cadangan kerajaan untuk mengehadkan jumlah subjek yang boleh diambil pelajar dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).
Menurutnya, kajian itu yang dijalankan atas arahan Timbalan Perdana Menteri akan melibatkan semua aspek.
Antara aspek yang dikaji ialah perbandingan tahap kecemerlangan pelajar termasuk mengkaji apakah pelajar yang memperoleh 21A itu cemerlang, tetapi mereka yang skor A dalam semua sembilan mata pelajaran yang diambil tidak cemerlang.Dalam kajian yang dibuat itu juga, kementerian tersebut ingin mendapatkan kepastian tujuan sebenar pelajar berkenaan mengambil lebih daripada 10 subjek dan rasionalnya mengambil subjek bertindih dan skor A.
Beliau seterusnya mencadangkan dana asing ditubuhkan menerusi sumbangan wang oleh syarikat-syarikat mega kepunyaan bukan Melayu yang mendapat kontrak daripada projek-projek kerajaan.
Ketua Umum, Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu (BBPM), Osman Abu Bakar pula menyokong pemberian biasiswa JPA berdasarkan meritokrasi dengan pembahagian 60 peratus kepada bumiputera dan 40 peratus kepada bukan bumiputera.
Menurutnya, rasional pengagihan dengan kadar itu ialah orang-orang Melayu masih ketinggalan dalam bidang pendidikan berikutan pencapaian ekonomi keluarga yang masih rendah.
Katanya, calon yang mempunyai keupayaan menyeluruh sebagai kriteria layak menerima biasiswa tidak perlu diwajibkan sebaliknya yang penting pelajar Melayu berpeluang melanjutkan pelajaran menerusi biasiswa.
Syed Anuar Syed Mohamad selaku Timbalan Presiden Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) pula berpandangan, pemberian biasiswa cara meritokrasi adalah cara terbaik.
Bagaimanapun tegasnya, kuota biasiswa untuk bumiputera seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia tidak perlu disentuh.
Dalam pada itu beliau bersetuju kriteria pemberian biasiswa berasaskan keupayaan menyeluruh pelajar kerana kini 10 peratus aktiviti kokurikulum juga jadi penentu pelajar memasuki institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT).
GPMS dalam perkara ini katanya selalu menasihati pelajar mengambil peluang tersebut untuk melayakkan mereka ke IPTA.
Aku di Mrsm :)

semalam 25/6/2009
nak thu aku g mana?.. aku g MRSM transkrian( penang)
wahh.. 1st masa masuk tue aku jd gerun jgk.. yeala masok skola dak2 pandai lea ktakan.. klo nk bandingkan dgn skola aku nie mmg jauh berbeza tp pea2 pon aku ttp syang skola aku sekarang nie n xbermaksud tuk kutuk skola aku skang..
hurm dulu masa dpt result upsr aku ada tringin gak msok mrsm.. result aku da ok tp knapa ek aku x isi borang unt msok mrsm n ambik ujian die skali.. hurm.. mmg xterpikir.. yg parent aku nie suroh aku msok skola agama.. aku pon ikot jeala.. ntah lea.. rsa mcm minat unt msok skola agama time tue mmg tiggi.. tp malangnya aku xdpt pon msok skola agama.. mybe aku bwt xelok masa ujian kmsukan smka..
agak2 aku sedih x?..
xrasa pea pon.. time tue aku mana ada perasaan.. mmg btol bwt p la pea pon kt aku.. aku just rilex jaa..
sambung cite yg aku g mrsm smlam 2.. seronok!..dpt jumpa c 'romeo".. tgok dri jauh jek xberani nk tgur wlopun kteorang knl satu sama lain.. exclly semalam aku tringin nk sapa dia n try ckp dgn dia tp aku pon xtau knapa la aku bley jd cam 'Batu'.. sllu jd cm tue bla jumpa dgn org yg aku admired.. bley tgok dri jauh jeala.. ckp xbley.. bencinya..
ini da masuk kli yg kedua aku jmpa dgn dia nie.. aku rsa aku da mula minat kt c romeo nie tp masih bley control lg r.. hurm mybe nasib kteorang mmg cm nie.. xda jodoh kot.. ++hexxx++
skang nie aku promise jika aku ngan die jumpa skali lg unt kli yg ktiga.. aku adalah org pertama yg akn sapa dia.. mana r tahu lps tue kteorang bley jd kwn rapat^^
ku gelarkn die sbagai romeo.. sbb mmg xthu nma die apa..
huh hampir lpa nk bgitau smlam aku n kekwan aku yg lain dgn 2 org cikgu p mrsm sbb dpt jemputan dri dorang sbb smlam ada karnival sains kot nma die.. ntah r.. ku pon da lpa.. best la jgk.. pt mkan free.. sdap lak 2.. mcm2 r ada smlam.. ada yg bwt perniagaan berdasarkan projek.. jual baju.. mcm2 r ada.. dorang ajar cm mna nk bwt t-shirt + design sendiri.. wahh bstnya.. aku mula terpkir aku pon nk bwt bisnes sndiri.. jual r kt blog aku nie.. hehe.. laku kea?.. mrsm mmg best.. cara dorang.. pkaian dorang.. cara dorang bersosial.. n semua yg aku jumpa smlam smuanya ok2.. xla sombong mcm skola lain tue.. berlagak gilee..
yg plg best la kn rsanya msa dkt group 'the teddies' kot nma band dorang.. ok lea vocalist die tue nyayi tp nmpak gaya mcm confident sgt.. sorang lg mamat nie slh sorang bdk the teddies nie bley tahan gak kesombongan die nie.. aku tnya dia bknya nk jawab pon.. tnjuk muka poyo+ siyes jek.. myampah!.. huh xpeala mybe time tue die bad mood kot.. nea r thu.. aku cuma nk luahkan jeala..
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
World capital!
World Capitals
Afghanistan | Kabul, 2,206,300 |
Albania | Tirana, 353,400 |
Algeria | Algiers, 3,917,000 (metro. area), 1,742,800 (city proper) |
Andorra | Andorra la Vella, 23,000 |
Angola | Luanda, 2,297,200 |
Antigua and Barbuda | St. John's, 23,500 |
Argentina | Buenos Aires, 13,349,000 (metro. area), 2,768,772 (city proper) |
Armenia | Yerevan, 1,462,700 (metro. area), 1,267,600 (city proper) |
Australia | Canberra, 327,700 |
Austria | Vienna, 2,041,300 (metro area), 1,523,600 (city proper) |
Azerbaijan | Baku, 2,118,600 (metro area), 1,235,400 (city proper), a port on the Caspian Sea |
Bahamas | Nassau, 222,200 |
Bahrain | Al-Manámah, 527,000 (metro area), 149,900 (city proper) |
Bangladesh | Dhaka, 12,560,000 (metro.area), 5,378,023 (city proper) |
Barbados | Bridgetown, 98,900 |
Belarus | Mensk (Minsk), 1,769,500 |
Belgium | Brussels, 1,750,600 (metro area), 981,200 (city proper) |
Belize | Belmopan, 8,700 |
Benin | Porto-Novo (official), 231,600; Largest city and seat of government: Cotonou 734,600 |
Bhutan | Thimphu (official), 60,200 |
Bolivia | Sucre, 204,200; Administrative capital: La Paz, 1,576,100 (metro. area), 830,500 (city proper) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo, 581,500 (unofficial) |
Botswana | Gaborone, 195,000 |
Brazil | BrasÃlia, 2,160,100 |
Brunei | Bandar Seri Begawan, 78,000 |
Bulgaria | Sofia, 1,088,700 |
Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou, 962,100 |
Burundi | Bujumbura, 331,700 |
Cambodia | Phnom Penh, 1,169,800 |
Cameroon | Yaoundé, 1,395,200 (metro. area), 1,154,400 (city proper) |
Canada | Ottawa, Ontario, 1,142,700 (metro. area) |
Cape Verde | Praia, 99,400 |
Central African Republic | Bangui, 810,000 (metro. area), 669,800 (city proper) |
Chad | N'Djamena, 609,600 |
Chile | Santiago, 5,333,100 (metro. area), 4,372,800 (city proper) |
China | Beijing, 10,849,000 (metro. area), 8,689,000 (city proper) |
Colombia | Santafé de Bogotá, 7,594,000 (metro. area), 7,185,889 (city proper) |
Comoros | Moroni (on Grande Comoro), 60,200 |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kinshasa, 6,541,300 |
Congo, Republic of | Brazzaville, 1,169,900 |
Costa Rica | San José, 1,527,300 (metro. area), 337,200 (city proper) |
Côte d'Ivoire | Yamoussoukro (official), 185,600; Largest city and administrative center: Abidjan, 4,113,600 (metro. area), 3,427,500 (city proper) |
Croatia | Zagreb, 685,500 |
Cuba | Havana, 2,686,000 (metro. area), 2,343,700 (city proper) |
Cyprus | Lefkosia (Nicosia) (in government-controlled area), 197,600 |
Czech Republic | Prague, 1,378,700 (metro. area), 1,169,800 (city proper) |
Denmark | Copenhagen, 1,094,400 |
Djibouti | Djibouti, 383,000 |
Dominica | Roseau, 20,000 |
Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo, 2,851,300 (metro. area), 2,252,400 (city proper) |
East Timor | Dili, 50,800 |
Ecuador | Quito 1,780,700 (metro. area), 1,443,900 (city proper) |
Egypt | Cairo, 11,146,000 (metro. area), 7,629,866 (city proper) |
El Salvador | San Salvador, 1,791,700 (metro. area), 504,700 (city proper) |
Equatorial Guinea | Malabo, 92,900 |
Eritrea | Asmara, 899,000 (metro. area), 400,000 (city proper) |
Estonia | Tallinn, 379,000 |
Ethiopia | Addis Ababa, 2,716,200 |
Fiji | Suva (on Viti Levu), 177,300 |
Finland | Helsinki, 1,162,900 (metro. area), 582,600 (city proper) |
France | Paris, 9,854,000 (metro. area), 2,110,400 (city proper) |
Gabon | Libreville, 661,600 |
Gambia | Banjul, 46,700 |
Georgia | Tbilisi, 1,440,000 (metro. area), 1,240,200 (city proper) |
Germany | Berlin (capital since Oct. 3, 1990), 3,933,300 (metro. area), 3,274,500 (city proper) |
Ghana | Accra, 2,825,800 (metro. area), 1,661,400 (city proper) |
Greece | Athens, 3,247,000 (metro. area), 747,300 (city proper) |
Grenada | St. George's, 4,300 |
Guatemala | Guatemala City, 2,655,900 (metro. area), 1,128,800 (city proper) |
Guinea | Conakry, 1,767,200 |
Guinea-Bissau | Bissau, 296,900 |
Guyana | Georgetown, 227,700 |
Haiti | Port-au-Prince, 1,764,000 (metro. area), 1,119,000 (city proper) |
Honduras | Tegucigalpa, 1,436,000 (metro. area), 1,248,300 (city proper) |
Hungary | Budapest, 2,597,000 (metro. area), 1,769,500 (city proper) |
Iceland | Reykjavik, 184,200 (metro. area), 114,800 (city proper) |
India | New Delhi, 15,334,000 (metro. area), 9,817,439 (city proper) |
Indonesia | Jakarta, 13,194,000 (metro. area), 8,389,443 (city proper) |
Iran | Tehran, 7,796,257 (city proper) |
Iraq | Baghdad, 6,777,300 (metro. area), 5,772,000 (city proper) |
Ireland | Dublin, 1,018,500 |
Israel | Jerusalem, 695,500 Note: Israel proclaimed Jerusalem as its capital in 1950, but the U.S., like nearly all other countries, maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv. |
Italy | Rome, 3,550,900 (metro. area), 2,455,600 (city proper) |
Jamaica | Kingston, 937,700 (metro. area), 590,500 (city proper) |
Japan | Tokyo, 35,327,000 (metro. area), 8,483,050 (city proper) |
Jordan | Amman, 2,677,500 (metro. area), 1,293,200 |
Kazakhstan | Astana, 288,200 (formerly Aqmola; capital since 1997) |
Kenya | Nairobi, 3,064,800 (metro. area), 2,411,900 (city proper) |
Kiribati | Tarawa, 26,600 |
Korea, North | Pyongyang, 3,222,000 (metro. area), 2,767,900 |
Korea, South | Seoul, 10,287,847 (city proper) |
Kosovo | Pristina, 400,000 (est.) |
Kuwait | Kuwait, 1,709,800 (metro. area), 32,600 (city proper) |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek (formerly Frunze), 824,900 |
Laos | Vientiane, 194,200 |
Latvia | Riga, 867,700 (metro. area), 706,200 (city proper) |
Lebanon | Beirut, 1,916,100 (metro. area), 1,171,000 (city proper) |
Lesotho | Maseru 173,700 |
Liberia | Monrovia, 1,348,900 (metro. area), 550,200 (city proper) |
Libya | Tripoli, 2,357,800 (metro. area), 1,269,700 (city proper) |
Liechtenstein | Vaduz, 5,300 |
Lithuania | Vilnius, 543,500 |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg, 78,800 |
Macedonia | Skopje, 587,300 (metro. area), 452,500 (city proper) |
Madagascar | Antananarivo, 1,390,800 |
Malawi | Lilongwe, 499,200 |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur, 3,688,200 (metro. area), 1,403,400 |
Maldives | Malé, 81,600 |
Mali | Bamako, 1,323,200 (metro. area), 935,400 |
Malta | Valletta, 194,200 (metro. area) 6,900 (city proper) |
Marshall Islands | Majuro, 20,500 |
Mauritania | Nouakchott, 661,400 |
Mauritius | Port Louis, 577,200 (metro. area), 143,800 (city proper) |
Mexico | Mexico City, 19,013,000 (metro. area), 8,591,309 (city proper) |
Micronesia | Palikir 11,600 |
Moldova | Chisinau, 772,500 (metro. area), 709,900 (city proper) |
Monaco | Monaco, 1,400 |
Mongolia | Ulaan Baatar, 804,200 |
Montenegro | Podgorica (administrative capital), 117,875; Cetinje (capital city), 14,700 |
Morocco | Rabat, 1,636,600 |
Mozambique | Maputo, 1,691,000 (metro. area), 1,114,000 (city proper) |
Myanmar | Rangoon (Yangon), 4,344,100 |
Namibia | Windhoek, 221,000. Summer capital: Swakopmund, 26,200 |
Nauru | Yaren, 4,900 |
Nepal | Kathmandu, 1,203,100 (metro. area), 729,000 (city proper) |
Netherlands | Amsterdam (official), 737,900; The Hague (administrative capital), 465,900 |
New Zealand | Wellington, 342,500 (metro. area), 165,100 (city proper) |
Nicaragua | Managua, 1,390,500 (metro. area), 1,146,000 (city proper) |
Niger | Niamey, 748,600 |
Nigeria | Abuja, 590,400 (metro. area), 165,700 (city proper) |
Norway | Oslo, 791,500 |
Oman | Muscat, 797,000 (metro. area), 54,800 (city proper) |
Pakistan | Islamabad, 601,600 |
Palau | Koror, 11,100 |
Palestinian State (proposed) | Undetermined |
Panama | Panama City, 1,053,500 (metro. area), 437,200 (city proper) |
Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby, 324,900 |
Paraguay | Asunción, 1,482,200 (metro. area), 525,100 |
Peru | Lima, 8,180,000 (metro. area), 7,029,928 (city proper) |
Philippines | Manila, 10,677,000 (metro. area), 1,581,082 (city proper) |
Poland | Warsaw, 2,201,900 (metro. area), 1,607,600 (city proper) |
Portugal | Lisbon, 2,618,100 (metro. area), 559,400 |
Qatar | Doha, 550,700 (metro. area), 318,500 (city proper) |
Romania | Bucharest, 2,210,800 (metro. area), 1,906,800 (city proper) |
Russia | Moscow, 10,672,000 (metro. area), 10,101,500 (city proper) |
Rwanda | Kigali, 298,100 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | Basseterre (on St. Kitts), 11,500 |
St. Lucia | Castries, 60,300 |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | Kingstown, 17,600 |
Samoa | Apia, 35,900 |
San Marino | San Marino, 4,300 |
São Tomé and PrÃncipe | São Tomé, 53,300 |
Saudi Arabia | Riyadh, 3,724,100 |
Senegal | Dakar, 2,476,400 |
Serbia | Belgrade, 1,717,800 (metro. area), 1,285,200 (city proper) |
Seychelles | Victoria, 23,000 |
Sierra Leone | Freetown, 1,051,000 |
Singapore | Singapore, 3,438,600 |
Slovakia | Bratislava, 428,800 |
Slovenia | Ljubljana, 258,000 |
Solomon Islands | Honiara (on Guadalcanal), 54,600 |
Somalia | Mogadishu, 1,208,800 |
South Africa | Pretoria, 1,541,300 (metro. area), 1,249,700 (city proper); Legislative capital and largest city: Cape Town, 3,140,600 (metro. area), 2,733,000 (city proper). Judicial capital: Bloemfontein, 378,000. No decision has been made to relocate the seat of government. South Africa is demarcated into nine provinces, consisting of the Gauteng, Northern Province, Mpumalanga, North West, KwaZulu/Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape, and Free State. Each province has its own capital |
Spain | Madrid, 5,130,000 (metro. area), 3,169,400 (city proper) |
Sri Lanka | Colombo, 2,436,000 (metro. area), 656,100 (city proper). Legislative and judicial capital: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, 118,300 |
Sudan | Khartoum, 5,717,300 (metro. area), 1,397,900 (city proper) |
Suriname | Paramaribo, 217,300 |
Swaziland | Mbabane, 69,000; Royal and legislative capital: Lobamba, circa 5,000 |
Sweden | Stockholm, 1,622,300 (metro. area), 1,251,900 (city proper) |
Switzerland | Bern, 122,700 |
Syria | Damascus, 2,381,800 (metro. area), 1,861,900 |
Taiwan | Taipei, 7,871,900 (metro. area), 2,722,600 (city proper) |
Tajikistan | Dushanbe, 817,100 (metro. area), 590,300 (city proper) |
Tanzania | Dodoma, 164,500. Largest city (2003 est.): Dar es Salaam, 2,489,800 |
Thailand | Bangkok, 6,320,174 (city proper) |
Togo | Lomé, 749,700 (metro. area), 676,400 (city proper) |
Tonga | Nuku'alofa, 24,500 |
Trinidad and Tobago | Port-of-Spain, 263,800 (metro. area), 45,300 (city proper) |
Tunisia | Tunis, 1,660,300 (metro. area), 699,700 (city proper) |
Turkey | Ankara, 3,582,000 (metro. area), 3,456,100 (city proper) |
Turkmenistan | Ashgabat, 727,700 |
Tuvalu | Funafuti, 5,300 |
Uganda | Kampala, 1,461,600 (metro. area), 1,244,000 (city proper) |
Ukraine | Kyiv (Kiev), 3,296,100 (metro. area), 2,588,400 (city proper) |
United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi, 539,800 |
United Kingdom | London, 7,615,000 (metro. area), 7,429,200 (city proper) |
United States | Washington, DC, 570,898 |
Uruguay | Montevideo, 1,745,100 (metro. area), 1,347,600 (city proper) |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent, 3,457,500 (metro. area), 2,155,400 (city proper) |
Vanuatu | Port Vila, 35,300 |
Venezuela | Caracas, 3,517,300 (metro. area), 1,741,400 (city proper) |
Vietnam | Hanoi, 2,543,700 (metro. area), 1,396,500 (city proper) |
Western Sahara (proposed state) | El Aaiun 198,200 |
Yemen | Sanaá, 1,778,900 |
Zambia | Lusaka, 1,773,300 (metro. area), 1,265,000 (city proper) |
Zimbabwe | Harare, 2,331,400 (metro. area), 1,919,700 (city proper) |