Air Terjun , Bentong
Lokasi untuk Outdoor Photoshoot sepatutnya di Bukit Tinggi , Pahang tapi terpaksa dibatalkan atas sebab pengantin pakai baju pengantin di hari weekend (sabtu/ahad) ? LOL . Sudah nama pun pengantin xkan nak pakai baju sarkas baru dibenarkan masuk . Syarat paling x cliche', di sana weekend pengantin xdibenarkan buat photoshoot di dalam . ha whattt?? We all datang dari jauh kot .
Nampak sgt permainan kat situ .
............. no way ...
Tukar plan walaupun hati Rabak bagai nak gila ,
gua disua kunci kereta pengantin unt lepas geram ..
apa lg , drift turun Bukit Tinggi mcm pandu Evo 10 laaa .
Pengantin kecut perut , takut xsempat mlm pertama .
Chilll lah ;) Ini korielah .
Jam : 5.45pm
We all jumpa Air Terjun semasa perjalanan balik .
Gua nampak Shutter , Aperture dan Lanscape .
Buka Beg Nikon ..
Inilah dadah gua , masa untuk lalokk'
Jom lalok dengan gua .
I have known many, Liked not a few, Loved only one. I toast to you.
Here's to the prettiest,
here's to the wittiest,
Here's to the truest of all who are true,
Here's to the neatest one,
here's to the sweetest one,
Here's to them,
all in one - here's to you.
here's to the wittiest,
Here's to the truest of all who are true,
Here's to the neatest one,
here's to the sweetest one,
Here's to them,
all in one - here's to you.
Not very sharp dan shutter mcm rabak tp who care ? cinta dua hati . buatkan aku di sini . Let travel , Their passionate of love in my capture !
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter,
And my arms will be your home.
"Sayang , I tahu I gemuk , jangan la malu-malu peluk perut 1 ,Sentap baby I "
"Syg , U ada hutang dengan I , U ingat x? "
My love for you is a journey;
Starting at forever,
And ending at never.
"Cepatlaa , byr hutang U tu , senyum pulak dia , Nakal la U niee "
"Eehh Eeeh , tetiba , peluklaa , I redhaa , U kan Bini I "
Love is a wonderful thing.
You never have to take it away
From one person to give it to another.
There's always more than enough to go around. ~ Pamela de Roy ~
"Comfirm , Gambar I Kacak dari Kasyah sebab I tahan nafas "
Love is like swallowing hot chocolate
Before it has cooled off.
It takes you by surprise at first,
But keeps you warm for a long time.
"I Practice dukung U ,Takut U Jatuh katil mlm nie "
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson ~
"So, sekarang I dah sedar , kenapa korie kata U bini popeye "
Love is the true means by which the world is enjoyed:
our love to others,
and others' love to us.
~Thomas Trahern ~
"Nasib bini popeye , Bukan Adibah Noor . Kahkahkah .. Eeeee geram dgn U nie "
"Datanglaa ombak sebesar mana pun , I tetap nak kiss u "
"lagi "
" dan lagi .. deep .. "
Now that I have found you,
I feel like there is nothing more I could never need.
You make me whole,
you make me complete,
you make me...smile
"Korie , da penat ambik gambar kita .. lps nie kita kena belanja dia cameron highland trip ! "
"Opps , I terkentut U , Xpea, korie boleh edit xbg nampak kentut ''
Remember that happiness is a way of travel,
not a destination. ~ Roy Goodman ~
One of the nicest things you can say to your partner,
"If I had it to do over again, I'd choose you. Again."
~ Unknown ~
"Syg , U lah wanita plg cantik I pernah jumpa selain korie , kahkahkah "
" Yeke? I xpercaya lah "
"berani U cakap mcm tu dekat I? cium kang! "
You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.
~ David Levesque ~
"Ok ok sabar syg , I salah , Meh sini I hug U "
"Mcm niealah baru syg "
"I rasa I macam buat photoshoot untuk majalah Maskulin laa , I rasa mcm I Aaron aziz . kan?
"Apesal I tutup mata ni? '
"Syg , yang pasti cinta I unt U bukan sebesar ni , Ini cinta I pada korie . kahkahkah .''
" Ehh, korie buat lawak kah? kenapa sengih sgt ni? Ooo.. Zipp .
" Syg , Nanti I nak U buat donut sebesar ni untuk I , korie boleh makan sekali .
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."
Mature love says: "I need you because I love you."
~ Erich Fromm ~
"Syg , Wangilah bau ketiak u , I suke , U pakai deodorent popeye wife's secret kah? ''
"Ehhh, mana u tahu i pakai deodorent popeye wife's secret tu? Rare kot .. ''
"Tahulah I , Tengok korie dah jauh dari kita sebab xtahan dengan bau deodorent popeye wife's secret .. '' kahkahkah
Loving someone is a leap of faith
You are giving them your heart
and trusting them not to break it...
No matter what happens
I will still never regret making that leap for you
" Syg , I ada member dekat planet Pluto '
"Syg , member I dekat Pluto tengah bye bye kat kite , tgok sana '
" Syg meh I buang tahi hidung U''
" Ehh, apa niie? I mana ada tahi hidung , U ni sajalah buat I ketawa ''
" Meh I betulkan kepala U yang senget ni''
" Hadiah sebab betulkan kepala I yang senget nie .
I love you
I love you not only for what you are,
But for what I am when I am with you
I love you not only for what you have
made of yourself
But for what you are making me
I love you for the part of me that you bring out.
I love you for passing over all my
foolish and weak traits,
That you can’t help but see
I love you for drawing out
into the light my beauty,
That no one else had looked
quite far enough
to din
I love you.
" Yeayy, kami dan xsenget ' .
" Syg , U ni boleh tahan nakal kan ''
A part of you has grown in me. And so you
see, it's you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in
distance, but never in heart.
~ Author Unknown ~
~ Author Unknown ~
"Hee , nakal ni yg menyebabkan I suke kat U , kan korie ?
" Cium sikit , asyik hug jer '
Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose
beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.~ Kahlil Gibran ~
beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.~ Kahlil Gibran ~
There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company
than a good marriage. ~ Martin Luther ~
than a good marriage. ~ Martin Luther ~
"Walaupun banjir I tetap xkan lepaskan U syg '
Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~
" Tapi kalau baju I rosak , U bayar k ... '
" Syg hati- hati ,lincin tu.. I xnak dekat korie , I nak U jekk .
" Selamanya I hanya Untuk U saja , I Promise , No for Korie !! . I lah John Lagend U ..''
" Syg U main kasar yeaa ,sakitlaa kena gigit . ''
" Haaa, main kasar lagi dengan I , Ini makannya .
" I Nak baling U , Ready K '' .
" Syg , pleaseee jgn lpskan I , I takut graviti ''
" Yeah , Im A Man now ! kau ada? .
" Nantikan kami dlm Pureen Chak Chak ''
" I perlu Exercise untuk jana stamina unt mlm ni''
" Ok Roger . Katil dah ready .''
"Belum mlm , tp daa basah ..'
" Nasib basah , Korie boleh practice main shutter <<
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I think this is my best shot ! |
Ok , nak lagi ?
Gua asyik kena hentam je dengan pengantin lelaki
tahulah gua bukan awek dia .. haha .
hari dah senja , gua takut pengantin lain yg masuk dalam gambar raw gua .
xpasal-pasal kamera gua kena katup dengan kain kuning .
Untuk Izyan & Ifwat , dari gambar ni gua banyak belajar photography .
Thank sebab jadi model I .
Hope korang suka gilerrr dengan gambar gua ni .
mesti kena suka gilerr kayy .
apa pun bole .
jangan makan dalam dengan kata -kata gua
mesti kena langgar
baru seronok
sebab tu gua dpt broken bone .
hahaha .
Kalau pregnant ! Pastikan aku org kedua yg tahu selepas popot !
sebab aku yg rangsangkan korang .
ok .. dirty joke .
Bye .
Moga bahagia selamanya .
Ikhlas dari sahabatmu KORIE .
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